vrijdag 6 juni 2008

great idea - Bloom : peddling green (retweet from @guykawasaki)

The Bloom device is meant to be a subversive and inspirational tool for ourconcrete jungles. Similar to the tuft of a dandelion as the wind carries theseedling, we propose a way of dispersing seedlings with bubbles andbicycling. Seeds are co-mingled with a bubble mixture and upon pedaling toyour destination , you release the floating seeds which land in cracks andcrevices throughout the city streets. Over time, the seeds grow into flowersand plants to create a green "fringe" to our sidewalks and streets. Using natural ingredients; vegetable based soap and seeds, combine togetherto make a dissolving "nugget". The resulting mixture resides in a reservoirinside Blooms aluminum housing. The housing is attached to the lower framenear the rear tire, similar to a exhaust pipe. Upon pedalling, air entersthe front of Bloom and spins a pinwheel inside which picks up a small dropof the seed/bubble mixture and blows a bubble carrying a seed out the backas "exhaust". Our inspiration comes from the tale of Johnny Appleseed, where he wouldspread seeds everywhere he went planting apple trees for future generations.
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